Available APIs

NEW REST API. Check out swagger documentation here: swagger (SEG) or swagger (VVS).

The following API services are available in SOAP and REST format. The readonly REST API uses the same logic backend that supports the SOAP API. Some of the functionality in the SOAP API is missing from the readonly REST API, for example product updates.

Please see the swagger (SEG) or swagger (VVS) documentation for details about the readonly REST API. These pages specifically targets the SOAP API, but can be useful to readonly REST API users also.

Product Api Read and write products, both single products and big batches with queues.
Global Data Api Provides generic data, product groups, units, ETIM classes, available logistics codes, countries, etc.
Candidate Api BETA. Please contact admin before using. Apply for new products, get the progress of accept process.
Manufacturer Api BETA. Please contact admin before using. Read, list and update manufacturers.